Qhoweng represents Sedibeng at national level

“We went there well prepared and these girls made us proud, not only us Qhoweng Primary School but the entire Sedibeng."

SEBOKENG.- Qhoweng Primary School from Sedibeng East District finished 10th position at the South African Schools Netball (SASN) national competitions.

This schools netball national tournament took place in Randburg last week Friday and Saturday. Qhoweng represented Sedibeng at this tournament in the u/13 category after they became overall winners from cluster, district, regional, and provincial level.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Phindi Sibaya who was the team’s coach said she was proud of what they achieved as a school. She told Sedibeng Ster Sport that they had to train during the school holidays to prepare for this tournament. Sibaya was also full of compliments to her young team for what they have achieved.

She said that this was one of the biggest tournaments but her team wasn’t intimidate by the atmosphere.

“We went there well prepared and these girls made us proud, not only us Qhoweng Primary School but the entire Sedibeng. We went there to represent our region and we didn’t disappoint. I want to thank our principal, Mr Motaung, the teachers, and parents for their support because it was not easy as we had to train during the school holidays. I must say the parents were very supportive to ensure their children attend training and for that I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. This was the highest level netball competition and their children didn’t disappoint,” she concluded.

Sedibeng Netball Federation president, Fakazile Nkitseng also congratulated the school for hosting the Sedibeng region flag high at the competition. She told Sedibeng Ster Sport that her federation is proud of what the school has achieved.

“Look, finishing in position ten is a great achievement because I know the level of competition at that level. We as Sedibeng netball support this kind of initiative because it is all about development,” she said.

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