Vaal High School soccer team are Sports Against Crime Champions

Dr Oliphant High School finished 3rd place in the tournament while Suncrest Hight School went home with the bronze medal.

VANDERBIJLPARK.- The Vaal High School soccer team were crowned the Vanderbijlpark SAPS Sports Against Crime Schools Games Champions.

This was after they beat their neighbours Hoerskool Vanderbijlpark 4-3 on penalties at Isak Styl Stadium in Vanderbijlpark on Saturday. This means Vaal High School are undisputed champions in both the soccer and netball categories. These annual Sports Against Crime Games were well attended with participating schools never disappointing those who braved the chilly weather to watch them.

It was action galore throughout the day with soccer fans witnessing exciting football from all the participating schools. The learners from other schools and local soccer fans also came in large numbers to support this initiative which was launched in 2022.

This initiative started with only two schools, namely Vaal High School and Suncrest High School before the organisers added another two schools to make it a four schools, one day tournament. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport, Vanderbijlpark SAPS Center Sports Manager Sergeant Mpho Hlasa said that when they started it was only two schools and they would invite two local soccer teams but felt it would be exciting to add other schools.

This year’s Sport Against Crime Games saw the following schools, Vaal High School, Suncrest High School, Dr Oliphant High School and Hoerskool Vanderbilpark battling for the 2024 Sports Crime Games Championship.

“We started with two schools and two local teams, TK Rangers FC and River Galaxy FC but we felt it was important to include another two schools to make this tournament exciting. I must say it has been three successful years and you can see for yourself with the attendance. The schools are closed for winter schools’ holidays but learners and their teachers came in numbers. I want to thank the schools’ principals and teachers for their commitment in ensuring their learners participate on sports. I also want to thank our stake holders for contributing to the success of this project, our Community Police Forum and others,” said Hlasa.

Dr Oliphant High School finished 3rd place in the tournament while Suncrest Hight School went home with the bronze medal. The tournament’s champions were awarded with the trophies and gold medals for their effort.

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