New Licence Plates: Why , When and How?

Motorists will need to plan for not only the cost of their licence disc but need a couple hundred extra for the licence plate as well.

In late 2022, Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi announced that Gauteng residents would be getting new licence plates as from 1 April 2024. Changes to this deadline along with a number of other aspects that will be added or changed was revealed at this year’s State of the Province address (SOPA).


The reason for the change of number plates is to better combat violent crimes. The new number plates include a ‘track and trace’ system and include data dots which is supposed make it very difficult for criminals to travel on the roads after its occupants commit a crime. The new plates will also be very difficult to tamper or copy.

While the plan will start on 1 April, it is definitely not an April Fool’s joke. After the initial announcement, moves were made quickly to implement the plan. It was gazetted in February 2023 and work with license plate manufacturers started in July 2023.


At this year’s SOPA, it was said that the original start date of 1 April 2024 is now only applicable to government vehicles. The new piloted track and trace system will be tested by the official vehicles.

A new scheme was developed and as such only once the Department of Transport agrees to this can a launch date be announced. The new draft legislation will require drivers in all provinces to update their number plates, not just Gauteng. Thus, once the launch date starts, all South Africa motorists and car owners need to register new license plate numbers.

When the date is provided, in theory, everyone will register for their new license plate number within a year. This is because unless you obtain the new license plate you will not be allowed to renew your license disc.


Manufacturers of license plates need to register to be eligible to produce the number plates. Once the launch begins, drivers must purchase their license plates through one of these registered manufacturers.

The current cost to purchase a new licence plate is approximately R160 for one licence plate. With the introduction of the features and upgrades planned for the new license plates, it will likely make it more expensive than that. When the changeover starts, motorists will need to plan for not only the cost of their license disc but need a couple hundred extra for the license plate as well.

MasterTorque will keep motorists and organisations updated on the progress of the new plan.

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