Don’t let indigestion spoil your festivities

Delightful festive feasts, after-dinner lounging and indulging in certain foods can sometimes invite an unwanted guest: indigestion. A pharmacist explains more about causes and remedies.

A pharmacist from Medipost, South Africa’s pioneering national courier pharmacy, has the answers.

“Indigestion, also called dyspepsia, refers to an uncomfortable pain in the stomach or chest that usually occurs after a person has been eating or drinking,” says pharmacist Heidi Zimmermann.

“Other symptoms include sensations of fullness, bloating, nausea, burping and the unwelcome companion, heartburn – all tell-tale signs of reflux. This occurs when stomach acid escapes from your stomach into the oesophagus through the lower oesophageal sphincter [LES].”

The LES usually acts like a one-way valve, allowing food into the stomach and preventing the hydrochloric acid that digests our food from coming up the oesophagus and burning the lining, causing irritation, inflammation, pain and swelling.

Three common causes of indigestion are

Prevention tips

 Antacids – fast-acting

Antacids are available without prescription for immediate relief of indigestion and heartburn. Antacids containing minerals work by neutralising the hydrochloric acid.

Alternatively, a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate or baking soda dissolved in water is a common home remedy.

Other antacids available from pharmacies include aluminium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium trisilicate, magnesium hydroxide, and calcium bicarbonate.

“Antacids are usually safe to use, however, people with heart and renal disorders should take care not to have too much of these minerals.

“For example, elevated calcium levels can lead to heart rhythm disturbances, kidney stone formation, and potential harm to kidney function. Long-term overuse is more serious than a single overdose, although both should be avoided.”

To avoid interactions with other medications, separate the dosing of antacids and other medication by one to two hours.

Consult your prescriber or pharmacist if you are unsure about medication interactions.

Histamine blockers – quick relief or prevention

Histamine blockers, often containing cimetidine, work by inhibiting hydrochloric acid production from the gastric glands in the stomach lining.

“Histamine blockers may be taken one hour after an antacid to provide prolonged relief or as a preventative measure 30 minutes before eating or drinking,” Zimmermann says.

People who have had kidney or liver disease or are HIV positive should only take histamine blockers on the advice of their treating doctor.

Histamine blockers are not advised for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, and people who are on blood-thinning medication should take care because histamine blockers intensify bleeding.

“As a general rule, none of these medicines should be given without a prescription to children. Instead, speak to your pharmacist or healthcare provider about the available paediatric options,” she advises.

If the symptoms of indigestion do not clear within two weeks of using self-medication, then it is time to consult a doctor to establish the root cause so that the right treatment can be prescribed for you.

“Do not ignore the symptoms of indigestion because there are some potentially serious conditions such as heart disease, stomach ulcers, pleurisy and gallstones that can sometimes feel similar. Angina, or chest pain caused by lack of blood flow to the heart, for example, can feel a lot like heartburn. It is therefore, crucial to get a proper diagnosis,” concludes Zimmermann

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