Malindi needs your help to represent SA in New Zealand

“This is a lifetime opportunity and I don’t want to miss it."

SEDIBENG.- Duduzile Malindi’s (16) dreams of representing her country on the biggest stage in the world have come into reality.

This is after the Hoerskool Transvalia grade 10 learner was selected to represent South Africa in the Indoor Netball World Cup scheduled to take place in New Zealand in July next year. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport during the Gauteng Women In Sports Award held at Quest Conference Easte in Vanderbijlpark recently, Malindi said it has been her dream to represent her country in international competitions.

She told Sedibeng Ster Sport that she has been selected to represent SA at this tournament which is one of the biggest events in the world sporting calendar. However, to realise her dream of competing in this international competition, Malindi has to raise R65 000 for the trip. She pleaded with the Good Samaritans, businesses, and companies to help her raise the amount to make her dreams come true.

“This is a lifetime opportunity and I don’t want to miss it hence I am appealing to everyone to help me raise the money. I’m really desperate because it will be the first time I will be competing at that level. My mother is trying her best to help me to raise the money but it is not easy. I’m really looking forward to helping my country to bring the trophy home especially after we were recently inspired by the Springboks.

“The Springboks showed us that anything is possible when they were crowned the 2023 Rugby World Cup Champions against all odds,” she told Sedibeng Ster Sport.

This All-Stars Netball Club plays as a center, goal shooter, goal attack, goalkeeper, and goal defense.

Malindi received the School Sports Of The Year Athlete Award at the Gauteng Women In Sports Awards. For those who are interested in helping Malindi, her mother can be contacted at 061 899 0969.

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