Pre-paid meter software upgrade off to a bad start

ELM called on consumers not to “panic” at the municipality’s apparent change of plan on the software upgrade but again did not provide any vital information on the rolling-out of the process.

Anger and panic are growing around Emfuleni’s pre-paid meter software upgrade – aimed at avoiding shutdown by 24 November 2024 – as the municipality failed to kick off its announced upgrade over the past weekend.

The planned software upgrade is being managed by ELM’s Electrical Department.

Instead of launching the anticipated upgrade process last Sunday, the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) said in a surprise move it would only begin “sampling” of consumers to “assess how the system handles the load”.

“The municipality, jointly with service providers, will conduct sampling and testing of meters on a limited number of consumers from Sunday 1 October,” said ELM.

ELM also did not answer questions and concerns raised by Vaalweekblad by publication time.

The unexpected move has created great confusion within especially business circles which must do planning for the upgrades – business consumers are believed to be the first consumer stakeholders to be targeted in the upgrade although ELM did not stipulate.

A number of service providers are believed to have been contracted by ELM for the process but it did not identify themselves, which will be necessary to avoid crime and corruption.

ELM failed to provide any details as to when, where, or who would be affected in its “sampling” process.

A race against time has developed to avoid a potential Y2K-style catastrophe by upgrading traditional electricity pre-paid meters – with an estimated target of almost 70 000 meters – between now and 24 November next year.

BXC smart meters are not affected by the proposed upgrade which must be completed on all other pre-paid meters by 24 November 2024, as their old software will expire and power can from that date not be bought without a new software upgrade.

Those with inquiries can call the ELM Electricity Control Room at 087 310 3369 or 087 562 0425 or 087 562 0524 or via WhatsApp at 065 871 7483.

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