‘Terrible’ rumble drives residents up against the walls

'It's been going on for two days now. The sound drives you crazy,' says a resident

VANDERBIJL PARK. – ‘What is going on in the industrial area? There  is an unbearably loud rumble. We can’t hear ourselves think!”

These are some of the complaints that Vaalweekblad received last night and this morning from residents from residential areas near the town’s heavy industries.

“We are used to loud noises from the factories but it has never been this bad. We have been struggling to sleep for two nights,” says a resident.

The complaints mainly come from Vanderbijlpark’s CW areas, especially CW5.

“It sounds like a ship that wants to dock but it can’t find the port. We are now on the second night with the ringing in our ears. There are moments when we think hallelujah it stops… then it starts all over again,” said another resident.

Some believe the rumble comes from ArcelorMittal or Air Products. Vaalweekblad has unofficially learned that Air Products is in the process of replacing a valve and that this may be the origin of the sound.

More information on this will be provided as it comes in.

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