Wish-Upon-A-Star 2023 – Be part of the joy!

Lusa Community Chest invites businesses and private persons to become a partner in this noble project.

Christmas is a highlight in every child’s life and now it is that time of the year when children tarting counting down the days…
The economy is still in a recovery period after the pandemic, yet the fact cannot be ignored that the need is even bigger than ever before.
LUSA Community Chest has again taken up the challenge to see how many smiles they can put on children’s faces.
“Our aim is to end this year on a positive note for the children in our registered organisations, who will receive a quality age-appropriate Christmas gift,” says Ms Retha Jacobs, organiser of LUSA’s annual Wish-Upon-A-Star Christmas project.
To meet this challenge Lusa invites businesses and private persons to become a partner in this project.

All gifts will be handed over to the various organizations on November 24. Main sponsors are welcome to attend the official handing over of the presents. As valued media partners for many years, IFM 102.2 and Mooi Vaal Media will once again provide high profile media coverage.

Options to become a partner:

1. Sponsor one or more children for R200 per child to cover the cost of a gift.
2. Donate any amount of your choice towards this worthy project as a CSI investment or as an individual.
3. Sponsor an organization with any amount that fit your budget.
4. Generate donations of any amount among employees as an employee initiative. (For example, decorate a Christmas tree with children’s names in your reception area.) Employees may choose a name and donate any amount towards that child and then present it on behalf of the company, to sponsor as many children as possible on behalf of the company.

Contributions may be deposited directly into the following bank account:
ABSA Bank; Cheque Account; Branch code: 632005; Account no: 4060258455.
Please use the following reference: Wish / Company name / Your name

Section 18A Tax certificate will be issued for donation of R500 or more, and a BBBEE report can be provided on request.
For more information contact Retha Jacobs on (016) 9760933 / 0828982006 or email: retha@lusa.co.za

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