Latest on smart meters in Vaal

Smart meter service provider BXC has urged Emfuleni municipal account holders to contact them first on any technical issues in the areas where they have been installed and to also update their account detail on the BXC portal as soon as possible.

A small number of smart meter clients – out of more than 500 – in CE1 in Vanderbijlpark, were apparently not aware they had been switched over to the new system, said BXC.

This was apparently due to them not noting repeated notices at their homes that they had been switched from ELM’s estimations-based billing system to pre-paid smart meters.

BXX has been distributing information on community social groups and dropping notices at individual properties indicating that customers will be switched over to pre-paid smart meters.

Once switched to pre-paid, BXC sends a notification SMS to notify the client that they have been switched to pre-paid, BXC said.

In rare cases, a few smart meter clients were not connected to power supply by ELM, which is responsible for power supply, leading some clients to incorrectly blame BXC for no supply or for power outages.

BXC says clients with queries in those areas where smart meters are installed should make BXC their first contact for information or technical issues – either through updating their account detail on the BXC portal, contacting its call centre or visiting their offices in Vanderbijlpark.

“Smart meter clients should make us their first port of call for information and in reporting possible technical issues – this is a BXC responsibility we take very seriously but we cannot manage what we do not know about,” said BXC Project Manager Dawid Dirks.

Dirks said BXC was intensifying communication to clients and to those accounts still to be converted to the smart meter system from either post-paid ELM billing or old pre-paid meters being replaced.

Sometimes client account information was also outdated leading to communication difficulties.

“Communicating with clients with paper notices can present challenges because often no-one is at home and paperwork delivered can get lost or blown away.

“So BXC is appealing to clients to be pro-active and contact us directly for information and reporting of technical issues.

This is the fastest route to resolving any issue,” said Dirks.

Municipal account holders can update their account online at the BXC portal:

BXC Offices can be visited at 17 HF Verwoerd Str CW2, Vanderbijlpark

BXC Call Centre: 087 147 2580 (all hours)

BXC Standby: 063 676 0397

WhatsApp: 063 676 0397

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