
SPCA needs your help

Experienced in rock climbing or mountaineering? The local SPCA needs your help

From the SPCA Vereeniging & Vanderbijlpark Inspector’s desk
Our daily duties over and above the usual craziness can also involve quite dangerous and challenging tasks.
Sometimes we find that the emergency phone rings and what we at first think is the rescue of an animal stuck in a perilous situation turns out to be a daunting experience for us as well.
Lately we have had a few calls that have tested our climbing skills as it seems there are cats in our community that are testing the 9 lives theory.
We find them perched not only in the top branch of the highest tree, no that would be just too easy… they have also managed to pick the thinnest branch!
We have no safety equipment and with the nervous & very concerned owners usually standing by we immediately hop to the rescue. Higher and higher we go, not daring to look down, keeping an eye on Kitty all the time.
It becomes an act worthy of working in the circus, the oohs and aaahs from the people on the ground as they watch us not giving us much confidence.
We have been lucky on the last few climbing expeditions. We managed to save Kitty and get back on Mother Earth without any major harm done.
It is like the feline Angels are protecting us knowing we are way out of our comfort zone.
But even cats have 9 lives…
Whilst our motto is serve and protect those that cannot speak we also ask that our community look after us.
If there are any people that have rock climbing, mountaineering skills and will be interested in adding their names to an emergency list to help us in time of need please do not hesitate to contact our office.
We would appreciate the help in these situations and if we have a few names if local people it would certainly make our lives so much better.
You would have to comply with certain criteria and show us your qualifications in order to make sure that we don’t have to climb up after you to save you and Kitty…
Just another day in the life of a SPCA Inspector.
– For more information contact the SPCA on 016 422 1505.


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