Prayer trips end in bloodshed

A more similar modus operandi has seen the lives of two spiritual men killed by the Vaal River.

VEREENIGING – A peaceful journey for prayer turned into a terrible ordeal for two men, resulting in their brutal murders.

Although the two incidents happened differently, the shocking news has left Sedibeng residents reeling.

The first incident unfolded when the victims faced unexpected vehicle troubles on a trip to Parys for religious prayers on Friday, July 12.

Stranded and vulnerable, they were approached by four unknown African males, who initially appeared to offer help.

However, the situation quickly turned sinister as three of the men brandished firearms, forcing the victims into the veld next to the river.

While the duo remained bound and helpless, the robbers split up, with two taking the deceased’s bank cards and the remaining two standing guard.

In a chilling turn of events, these two spotted suspicious movements, panicked, and shot the deceased in the left upper back before fleeing on foot, leaving the vehicle behind.

In a separate but equally tragic incident, a 40-year-old man and his friend were conducting prayers by the river when four armed men emerged from the shadows.

Chaos ensued as gunshots rang out, and the men were ordered to lie down. The survivor complied, but his friend attempted to flee, triggering a deadly pursuit.

The attackers split once more, and searched for the fleeing victim, leaving two behind with the survivor.

Despite hearing more gunshots, the survivor seized an opportunity to escape and hide, later finding refuge and assistance at a nearby factory.

Authorities were alerted and arrived to find the deceased, fatally shot in the head and left upper leg and his vehicle was left at the scene.

Speaking to Ster, Vereeniging police spokesperson, Captain Fikile Funda, confirmed the incidents stating that two counts of murder and armed robbery have been opened.

“Forensic teams recovered two cartridges, further evidence of the heinous crime. The survivor’s belongings, including his cellphone, wallet, and R500 in cash, were stolen,” he said.

Sedibeng District police commissioner Major General Nkhensani Lemba “I would like to urge residents of Sedibeng and other neighbouring communities to refrain from going to the river for their rituals. It is dangerous for believers to visit the river especially since the group hasn’t been identified and brought to book.”

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