URCSA men march against prostate cancer

"We want to encourage men to speak up on issues they are faced with in their normal daily life in and outside church," said the organising committee.

BOPHELONG – A group of men from the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA) took to the streets this past weekend, June 22, raising awareness about prostate cancer.

The march, filled by spirited singing and chanting, saw dozens of participants clad in stylish black and white attire as they paraded through the streets of Bophelong with banners and placards in hand.

Organised by the church’s proactive men’s group, the event aimed to shed light on a disease that remains a silent threat to many men worldwide.

Dozens of CMM members marched in the streets of Bophelong to give awareness on prostate cancer. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

The marchers’ marched under the banner of ‘a clean man is a strong man’.

Their mission was clear: to break the silence and encourage more open discussions about prostate cancer, its risks, and the importance of early detection.

Following the march, participants gathered at their church, where a series of informative talks took place.

The crowd, attentive and engaged, listened as various speakers delved into the complexities of prostate cancer, offering insights into prevention, treatment options, and the psychological impact of the disease.

Pastor Tshidiso Pudumo, one of the key figures behind the initiative, spoke to Sedibeng Ster on the sidelines of the event.

Pudumo emphasized the importance of such awareness campaigns, noting that prostate cancer often goes undetected until it is too late due to a lack of knowledge and open conversation among men.

Singing and chanting was order of the day. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

“We have a wing called Christian Men’s Ministry (CMM) which aims to grow men in the church on spirituality and life topics. Today we decided to meet to engage each other on prostate cancer. We want to encourage men to speak up, to get screened, and to support one another. Prostate cancer is a serious issue, and it’s time we address it head-on. By marching today, we are raising awareness and developing a community of support and education,” he said.

“We are happy that men came in their numbers this shows that there is an interest in such discussions and talk. This speaks to the success of organizing such a powerful and profound idea. We had men coming from different branches such us Sharpeville, Ruster-Vaal, Boipatong, Bophelong, and Evaton,” he said.

Pudumo said they will be extending such discussions and organizing more talks on different issues.

“Last year we spoke of substance abuse and there will be more men-related talks and events,” he said.

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