
Popular businessman and accomplice assassinated in Sharpeville

A multi-murder case has been opened at Sharpeville police station following the assassination of a popular duo on Friday afternoon.

SHARPEVILLE. – A popular businessman and his accomplice were gunned down in Tshepiso on Friday afternoon, April 5.

According to sources close to the incident, the duo was ambushed and shot at a local business center while they were preparing to buy fast food.

It is alleged that two armed assailants wandered at the complex and played pool before activating the brazen act.

Dozens of bystanders comprising residents, friends, and family of the duo gathered in shock as they looked on while different law enforcement officials investigated the bloodied scene.

Speaking to the paper, a man who refused to be named said the assailants played pool at the business center before the brazen shooting.

“There were people playing pool in the complex. When the duo [victims] entered the vicinity, the assailants pretended to be playing pool before they ambushed the owner of the lounge and shot him multiple times at point-blank before shooting his friend,” said the man.

Sharpeville police spokeswoman, Constable Busisiwe Sango said a multiple murder case has been opened.

“Police were summoned at The G Lounge Tshepiso phase 01 Sharpeville to attend the scene of multiple murders on arrival they were informed that two African males were gunned down by two unknown suspects while they were waiting for bunny chows. The Suspects are unknown at this stage,” she said.

Sango said police are pleading with the members of the community that if anyone has any information regarding this matter to please come forward the information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality or to anonymously phone 08600 10111 or visit the Mysaps app.

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