Former Banyana Banyana star finishes 2nd at Cape Gate Marathon

"When I told people I was going to join athletics they thought I was crazy."

BOIPATONG.- Former Banyana Banyana star, Rose “Pona” Jijane wants to leave a lasting legacy in sports.

Jijane who shocked many when she switched from football to athletics finished second place at the Cape Gate Marathon held at Dick Fourie Stadium in Three Rivers, Vereeniging on Sunday.

Jijane was competing in the 42 km women’s open and came first in the women’s veterans category. She was running in the Arcelor Mittal colours. This former Bophelong and Soweto Ladies FC defender shocked many when she switched her football career to athletics after she retired from football. She is one of the most capped former Banyana Banyana players.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport after the race, Jijane said she wants to leave a legacy in South African sports history.  She has been collecting medals left, right, and center and her biggest win was when she won the Annual Vaal River City Marathon at Isak Steyl Stadium in Vanderbijlpark last year in September.

“I thought football was the only sport for me but after I retired from football, I realised that I have another talent in athletics. Like football, I enjoy every moment of running. When I told people I was going to join athletics they thought I was crazy. They thought I was joking until some of them saw me, especially on Sedibeng Ster and they started to take me seriously.

” However, some of them discouraged me because they thought I would be involved in coaching like other former Banyana Banyana players. I told them that I played my part in football and it was time for me to focus on something new,” she said.

Jijane revealed to Sedibeng Ster Sport that she wants to write a book about her life, football career, and how she ended up in athletics. She believes this will inspire many athletes, especially upcoming athletes on how to be versatile.

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