SANCO is on the ground in the Vaal

Directors of one fully sponsored Spaza Shop were introduced and their shop is going to be fully stocked, supported, and renovated.

BOPHELONG.- In its National Conference held in Durban in November last year,  the South African National Civics Organisation or South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) declared that from all corners of South Africa, they shall not leave the task of reclaiming Tuckshops or Spaza Shops back to communities in the hands of vigilantes.

In its commitment to do so, through the SANCO INVESTMENT GROUP, they tasked their former President, who is also a former Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM) Executive Mayor, Mlungisi Hlongwane, to head this project.

After engagement with suppliers, Information Technology (IT) experts, producers of food, and banks, African Bank was recently in Bophelong to open business accounts to ease the process of funding potential beneficiaries of the “#ShopoYaka” National Program.

The directors of one fully sponsored Spaza Shop were introduced and their shop is going to be fully stocked, supported, and renovated.

“In fulfilling the dream of our founding fathers of our Bank, like the 90-year-old Dr. Sam Motsuenyane, that this bank should be a beacon of economic freedom for township business, over the years, we have received many proposals to that effect…, but NOTHING comes close to what SANCO has presented to us,” said Lilian Keetse of African Bank.

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