
Lebohang Secondary takes stand against bullying as academic year begins

"No bullying allowed at our school," said Lebohang Secondary School teachers to pupils.

BOIPATONG – For many pupils in different schools, the start of any academic year means an opportunity for a fresh start.

But for educators at Lebohang Secondary School, the first day marked a declaration that bullying would not be tolerated within the school’s walls.

As the pupils, both returning and freshmen, gathered for the opening assembly, the atmosphere was charged with a sense of purpose, and discipline.

Different law enforcers joined the school in welcoming freshmen. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

This comes after the embattled school welcomed different law enforcement officials, comprising SAPS, Community Safety, and Crime Prevention Wardens, to emphasize the importance of maintaining order and focus.

Different speakers took to the stage in an attempt to motivate the pupils and officially welcome grade 8s.

School principal, Patrick Khalapa set the tone for the year and urged pupils to approach the year with a commitment to discipline.

Principal Patrick Khalapa welcomed freshman to his school. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

“This is the year of focus. See yourselves as conquerors. Let’s respect our teachers. If you don’t respect, that means you don’t belong here,” he said.

In a new twist, Teacher Kgosi Mafojane strongly condemned bullying and urged pupils not to engage in it.

“Let’s avoid acting like thugs. Bullies have no place in this school. This place is not for bullying. Tell the principal or me directly if you are being bullied by someone, he instructed.

Hundreds of pupils eager for the new year. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

Pupils were reassured by Mafojane that the school would assist anyone who was being bullied outside of the school boundaries and would even call the police if needed.

As a show of support to the school in maintaining discipline, the Community Policing Forum said they commit to help when needed.

CPF Chairperson, Maniki Ntsepe said, “We have deployed our CPF to help the school with discipline. This year’s mandate is simple: respect. Let’s respect everyone inside the school”.

Reggie Modiba, Senior Social Crime Prevention Officer said “Each morning when you wake up, you must love yourself so you can love others. We are here to learn, not play. Let’s focus. This year is a year of love, discipline, and focus”.

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