
De Deur SAPS start food garden to sustain Sinqobile community

The police in De Deur partnered with various stakeholders to start a food garden for the benefit of the community of Sinqobile.

DE DEUR. – To sustain the community of Sinqobile informal Settlement, the police in De Deur together with the Community Policing Forum (CPF) and the local Non-Governmental Organisations recently led a project to start a food garden in the area.

The initiative follows various engagements and awareness campaigns held for the community.
During the event, police used the opportunity to address matters of Gender-based Violence in the community and donated clothes to those in need

De Deur SAPS Station Commander, Colonel Nkosis welcomed the initiative.

“Poverty plays a significant role in the rise of crime in our communities, this is why we should all work hard to ensure that it is eradicated”

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