
Assistance needed after fire destroys home

62-year-old Thabang Lipholo from Sharpeville is asking for the help of the community in rebuilding his home after it was completely destroyed by a fire on August 26.

SHARPEVILLE. – Thabang Lipholo (62) from Tshepiso Phase 1 is still recovering from shock after a fire ravaged through his home, destroying everything that he had built over the years. The fire happened on 26 August.

There was load shedding that night so we went to sleep early. Usually when load shedding takes place, I ensure that I switch off all the electrical appliances and plugs.

“That day, only me and my wife inside the house. We were woken up by voices of people screaming by our bedroom window. They told us that the house was on fife and that we need to get out of the house.

“When I opened our bedroom door, I felt the heat of the flame that was headed into our bedroom. I immediately closed the door and moved the furniture so that we could exit via the window in our room”

Lipholo says that him and his wife were lucky that there were no burglars on their bedroom window because there was no other exit they could use.
“We are really lucky to be alive and I am grateful.”

Lipholo is now asking for help from members of the community and the business fraternity to help build his home as he now lives in the garage in his yard.

“The fire destroyed everything, this includes all the furniture and our clothes. My son has even left to go live with relatives and my daughter, who is a student at the North-West University had to undergo counselling in order to help her deal with the loss of our home.

“I would like to ask anyone who is able to assist us in rebuilding our home to offer a helping hand.”

Lipholo says he will appreciate any material that will help him and his family have a place to call home once again.


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