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History is going to judge us!

Why can’t Vaal people, especially politicians or the powers that be, do the same with Dr Oliphant?

SEDIBENG.- Dr Molifi Oliphant was SAFA President when under his leadership South Africa hosted a successful 2010 FIFA World Cup.

The role he played in winning the bid to host the 2010 World Cup after South Africa lost to Germany to host the 2006 World Cup bid is significant. Those with long memories will recall how Charles Dempsy broke South African hearts. Under his leadership as SAFA Vaal and SAFA President, our football took a new direction. The moral of the story here is, when is this man going to be honoured?

Or are we going to honour him when he is no longer here like we did with others? People like Dr. Oliphant need to be honoured and acknowledged for their contribution. Apart from being SAFA Lifetime President, there is a need to honour this man!

TOUCHLINE suggests one of the stadiums be named after him or we need to build his statue at one of the stadiums in honour of his legacy. Sedibeng people must rise up because Dr Oliphant is one of us, for those who are not aware, he is from this region. He grew up here and he never left us even when he was SAFA President, he was still based in this region unlike others, especially politicians.

Goerge Thabe Stadium was named after one of the legendary football administrators to have come from this region, Ntate Goerge “Kid Action” Thabe for a reason. Why can’t Vaal people, especially politicians or the powers that be, do the same with Dr Oliphant?

To add feathers to his hat, Dr Oliphant is not just a football administrator, he is a former teacher, principal, and District Director of Education. In 2006 he received an Honorary Doctorate (D. Tech) in Sports Management when he was honoured by the Vaal University Of Technology (VUT). I can still remember it like it happened yesterday, yours truly TOUCHLiNE was there to witness this special occasion with Dr. Irvin Khoza and Khabo Zondo being part of the occasion.

My point is that Dr Oliphant is not just a football administrator but also an academic of note. When he was SAFA Vaal President, this region had a competitive development league that was played across all the races.
A week ago I had an opportunity to spend time with this legendary football administrator to reflect back and look to the future. He reflected back when he was SAFA Vaal President and how this region used to be a household name in South African football. TOUCHLINE challenges Sedibeng people to rise up and honour this man who is still involved in football in this country.

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