
BUTHELEZI’S PASSING: Boipatong massacre victims speak out

“Mr. Buthelezi did not bring any truth regarding the Boipatong massacre saga. Even today we are still in the dark. We do not know what happened and who did what to us," massacre survivor.

BOIPATONG – Survivors of the Boipatong massacre that occurred in June 1992 in Boipatong, expressed mixed emotions following the passing of former Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) leader, Mangosuthu Buthelezi.

The event, which left a dark scar on South Africa’s history, has left some survivors believing that Buthelezi took vital truths about the massacre to his grave.

Mangosuthu Buthelezi, a prominent political figure in South Africa’s history, passed away at his home in northern KwaZulu-Natal early on Saturday at the age of 95.

His legacy, spanning decades, has been marked by both praise and controversy, particularly in relation to his party involvement in the Boipatong massacre.

Boipatong massacre resulted in the deaths of 45 people, most of whom were women and children.

The massacre was widely attributed to political violence between the African National Congress (ANC) and the IFP during a riotous period of South Africa’s transition to democracy.

For years, survivors and families of the victims have sought answers and accountability for the gruesome event.

Many had hoped that Buthelezi, who was a prominent figure in the IFP at the time, would shed light on his party’s role in the tragedy.

However, with his passing, those hopes have been dashed for some.

One survivor of the Boipatong massacre, Ouma Mosoetse (60) explained what transpired on the day of the massacre.

“We hid under the bed on that fateful night. We heard the assailants breaking windows in our home, and when they eventually gained entry, they didn’t find anyone. We could hear them say “zibalekile lezinja” which translates to the dogs ran away,” she said.

The elderly citizen expressed her disappointment, saying, “We knew that he is in hospital. We can’t dance on his grave or rejoice because he passed. He was old, hope his soul rest in peace,” she said.

In other interviews, Zamile Latha (55) who lost three of his relatives in the massacre said “Mr. Buthelezi did not bring any truth regarding the Boipatong massacre saga. Even today we are still in the dark. We do not know what happened and who did what to us. The TRC opened the old wounds. So, Mr. Buthelezi took that to the grave. And I must say May His Soul Rest In Peace.”

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