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MLM’s performance recognised by SALGA

"Our administration will continue to shine as a beacon of hope, and exemplify what a caring, compassionate, and agile institution looks like."

SEDIBENG.- The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) has once again recognized Midvaal Local Municipality’s exemplary performance by bestowing the Midvaal Local Municipality with two certificates of appreciation last week.

SALGA gave a certificate of appreciation to the MLM for the most consistent early payment of levies.
Midvaal is able to receive this great recognition due to our trustworthy residents who continue to maintain regular payments of their rates and taxes.

The municipality also received a certificate of appreciation for being the most responsive to SALGA programmes. SALGA aims to represent, promote, and protect local government interests and raise its profile, therefore, collaborating and participating in their programmes can only enrich our institution.

“Our administration will continue to shine as a beacon of hope, and exemplify what a caring, compassionate, and agile institution looks like,” said the MLM.

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