Hawks conduct awareness campaigns on drugs, cyberbullying and trafficking in persons

Hundreds of Vaalpark pupils were left in awe following the Hawks presentation on narcotics, cyberbullying, and trafficking in persons on Friday. on Friday.

SASOLBURG – In an effort to combat serious organized crime and foster a safer environment for learners, the Hawks Serious Organised Crime Investigation teams based in Welkom and Sasolburg conducted a highly successful awareness campaign at Vaal Park High School on July 28, 2023.

The campaign aimed to address critical issues such as drug abuse, trafficking in persons, and cyberbullying, while also building a stronger relationship between the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) and the student community.

With drug-related issues becoming a growing concern in society, Colonel Seabata Molupe took to the stage to outline the purpose of the awareness campaign.

A group of Hawks officers graced a drugs and cyberbullying campaign at Vaal Park High School. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

He shed light on the DPCI’s mandate and emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts between learners, teachers, and law enforcement to combat crime effectively.

Captain Willie Riesenbeek delivered an educational presentation on the dangers of narcotics, urging learners to work hand-in-hand with the police by reporting any suspicious drug-related activities.

His message emphasized the significance of creating a drug-free environment for a brighter and healthier future.

A presentation by officers pertaining to drug abuse and the risks. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

Another critical topic addressed during the campaign was trafficking in persons and cyberbullying, presented by Captain Karin Du Plessis.

The informative session highlighted the need for vigilance against these criminal activities, both in physical and digital spaces.

Captain Du Plessis provided valuable insights on staying safe online and protecting oneself from potential threats.

Major General Mokgadi Bokaba during the campaign visit at Vaalpark High School. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

The highlight of the event was the address by Major General Mokgadi Bokaba, the Provincial Head of the DPCI in the Free State.

Bokaba’s motivational speech touched upon various aspects of responsible living and making positive life choices.

Emphasizing discipline and respect, she encouraged learners to be mindful of the decisions they make today as they profoundly impact their future.

Attentive: Hundreds of Vaalpark High School people listened in as Hawks spoke on drugs and trafficking in persons. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

“It is the choices that you make today which will determine your future,” Maj. Gen. Bokaba passionately stated, urging the students to be mindful of their actions.

She further stressed the importance of self-respect and treating others with respect, thereby fostering a harmonious and compassionate community.

In her address, Bokaba also discussed the disturbing issue of human trafficking, urging learners not to associate with individuals involved in drug abuse.

Local SAPS officers joined the school talk as guests. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

She warned against falling into the trap of exchanging their bodies for money, highlighting the importance of self-love and empowerment.

Additionally, Bokaba spoke candidly about the risks of sharing explicit content online, as circulating such pictures could lead to criminal offenses.

She urged the learners to exercise caution and restraint when using electronic devices and to report any instances of cyberbullying or harassment.

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