
Kidnapped, brutally murdered, and dumped in a maize field

Vuyiswa Skosana, mother to slain Bongiwe (28) believes had police swiftly searched for her kidnapped daughter, she would be alive.

HEIDELBERG – A grieving mother blamed the police’s ineptness for allegedly failing to find her daughter while she was warm.

Vuyiswa Skosana believed that had the police deployed their resources, her daughter Bongiwe Skosana (28) would be alive.

The mother claimed the Heidelberg police didn’t bother to probe Bongiwe’s kidnapping which resulted in her brutal death, four days after she was abducted in broad daylight.

PICK-UP IMAGE: Deceased Bongiwe Skosana was brutally murdered after she was abducted during a robbery at her family home. Photo: Supplied.

Two armed men stormed into Skosana’s home, shoved Bongiwe into the boot of her granddaughter’s vehicle, and drove off with her.

The car was later abandoned near a cemetery in their neighborhood.

Vuyiswa unfolded the story of how her daughter, together with her two cousins was robbed while she [Vuyiswa] was away for a family ceremony in KwaZulu Natal.

Bongiwe’s lifeless body was found on Wednesday, June 21 in a mielie field outside Heidelberg. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

“I last saw my daughter on Sunday, June 11, leaving for Tsakane. On the very same night, three armed men forced entry into Mohau’s outside room, demanding Bongiwe. Failing to find her, they tied him, robbed him, and left,” she said.

“On June 17, Mohau called me again while I was in New Castle, reporting that they were ambushed by other armed thugs who now demanded a cash safe. He further told me that my daughter was kidnapped during the act, a Toyota Corolla belonging to a family member, and cell phones were also taken,” she said.

Vuyiswa said she arrived in Heidelberg the next day where she went to the copshop to demand answers, but she couldn’t be helped.

“The police failed to deploy resources to trace my daughter. They have failed me dismally. They should have traced their cellphones, maybe Bongiwe would be alive.

“The police should have deployed their experts in my daughter’s missing case. They were clueless and didn’t have leads. I had to probe them, asking if they had any lead continuously. They didn’t bother tracing their phones,” she said.

Residents left burning candles on the wall of the Skosana residence to mourn their loss. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

Bonginhlanhla Sekhoto aunt to the deceased said she received WhatsApp messages from a friend who told her about two bodies found dumped along the R103 Road.

“She sent me images of my niece’s lifeless body facing the ground with her hands tied on her back and covered with a blanket. We quickly rushed to the scene and the police asked us to identify her. She had bad bruises on her face,” she said.

Sekhoto confirmed that there were other human remains next to the scene where Bongiwe was found.

“There was a cross on the same fields that signalled that there was another person who died in the same area. The area is clearly used for dumping bodies after gruesome murders,” she said.

Gauteng Provincial Police spokeswoman Colonel Dimakatso Nevhuhulwi said a case of murder is being investigated.

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