
ELM rehabilitates roads in Waldrift

According to Mako, he attended a meeting called by Ward 16 Councillor, Madoda Mkhumbeni, where the community raised their frustrations.

VEREENIGING. – Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) acting Member of the Mayoral Committee for Public Works, Cllr. Hassan Mako recently conducted an unexpected oversight visit at Beril Road and part of Andesite Avenue in Waldrift, where the municipality was rehabilitating the roadways.

Mako says: “The road resurfacing work forms part of the road resealing programme which covers damaged roads across the municipality. An amount of R20 million has been reserved for this programme. The roadwork in Waldrift is part of a comprehensive programme that will deal with the challenges of providing good quality road infrastructure in Emfuleni.”

According to Mako, he attended a meeting called by Ward 16 Councillor, Madoda Mkhumbeni, where the community raised their frustrations.

“The run-down state of Beril Road and the connecting Andesite Avenue formed part of the discussions which were followed by a thorough inspection of the road. These roads serve as the main roads that connect parts of Waldrift, seeing them in the condition they were, riddled with potholes and outright impractical to road users during my last visit was just unfortunate.

“Today, change has come to the community of Waldrift, and I am fully satisfied with the work done in a space of 24 hours since construction started,” Mako said.

Mako added that the Roads and Stormwater Department is still left with the repair of the collapsed stormwater catchment system at the corner of Andesite Avenue and Old Johannesburg Road.

“Even though I am satisfied with the work completed on these two important roads in Waldrift, I understand that the resurfacing of Andesite Avenue will not be fully completed before the stormwater system is repaired. Procurement processes are still unfolding and once completed, work can commence. We are pleading with the community of Waldrift to be patient with us, soon, Andesite Avenue will be fully usable,” MMC Mako added.

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