
From petrol attendant to an accounting degree graduate

Mfanyana "Cornelius" Fakude has defied all odds and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Accounting.

VANDERBIJLPARK – Former petrol attendant Mfanyana Fakude has proven beyond reasonable doubt that nothing can stop you when you set your mind on your dreams.

The 24-year-old man, born and bred in Mooiplass, a small farmstead in Mpumalanga, worked his way to the top after graduating as an Accountant from the North-West University in Vanderbijlpark.

Raised by a single mother, who worked as a hawker, selling fruits and vegetables in Nhlazatshe town, Fakude said his minor earnings helped him become what he always dreamt off, an Accountant.

“Growing up was very challenging for me because the only source of income we had was from the fruits and vegetables my mother sold in town. I knew I had to work very hard to help the old lady and be able to further my studies. I worked as a petrol attendant and saved my earnings to make my dream possible,” he said.

Mfanaya Fakude posing with his mother, Sabina Masuku during his graduation at North-West University, Vaal Campus recently. Photo: Supplied.

Fakude said he fell in love with accounting since his early stages of his high School days in Bantfwabethu High School.

“In Grade 10, I chose commerce subjects so I can become an accountant. After completing my studies in 2017, I was unable to go to university. I got fortunate enough to find a job as a petrol attended and managed to save up and fulfil my dream,” he added.

The soft spoken Fakude said he struggled to blend in, however, when he adapted to varsity life, he forged on.

“I remember how I struggled for months just to switch on a computer. I was set to finish my studies in 2021, but couldn’t because I struggled a lot,” he said.

The soccer lover, and a popular referee in the Vaal soccer fraternity said his degree is his pride because he worked hard to have it.

“Now I’ve completed my degree and I’m very proud of myself. Even though I’m still unemployed, I am only focusing on celebrating acquiring this qualification,” said the jubilant freshman degree holder.

Sabina Masuku (60), mother to Mfanyana said she is over the moon with her son’s achievement.

“I am very happy that he finally completed his studies. Fanyana always promised to make me proud, and today, I am a proud mother because he honored his promise. When he first passed his modules, he gave me a lot of hope. He came home and told me that his doing good and will complete his studies despite the record time, and he did,” said the proud mother.

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