
Two killed, one injured following a shoot-out by random assailants in Polokong

Neo Tsheole (28), Lebohang Ramagaga (19), and another victim who is still in hospital were shot by unknown assailants who disappeared after committing the heinous crime on Friday.

SEBOKENG – A duo was shot and killed in Polokong, Sebokeng on Friday night, May 12.

This comes after unknown assailants surfaced from the dark, and randomly opened fire toward a group of people who were moving from one tavern to the other.

According to an eyewitness, Neo Tsheole (28), Lebohang Ramagaga (19), and another victim who is still in hospital were shot as their group was accosted from behind and showered with a hail of bullets.

Neo Tsheole (28) was also shot and killed during the random shooting. Photo: Supplied.

Helpless screams, scattered crowd, lightning from raging pistols, these were the last moments that played out before the trio was rushed to a local hospital.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, an eyewitness, whose name is known to the paper, said they were coming from a tavern when they were met by unknown shooters who took the lives of Tsheole and Ramagaga.

“We were at a tavern close to home. Several gunshots went off, the tavern owner decided to close because there was someone who was shot last week after a similar incident occurred,” he said.

“We left the tavern in two groups and as we turned into the main road, an unknown number of men came from the shadows and opened fire on the group that was walking in front of ours. We ran in different directions, scattered all over, that’s when Neo Lebo and the other victim got shot. The shooters disappeared after that,” he said.

Mother to Neo, Lizzy Seshaola (49) said her son had just arrived from Parys when he met his untimely death.

“When Neo arrived here, he dropped his bags and told me he will be sleeping at his friend’s place, that was the last I saw him. I was woken up by loud bangs on my door when the Ramagaga family came to tell me that a shooting took place, and my son is among the people who were shot,” she said.

“We rushed to the hospital and found my son helplessly bleeding. He lost his life today, Saturday, May 13,” she added.

“We are devastated by what happened and still can’t believe that Neo is no more. All we want is justice to prevail and the makers of this heinous crime brought to book,” said the weeping mother.

Maria Ramagaga (52) mother to Lebohang, said her daughter died on the same night of the shooting.

“When we got to the hospital, they [nurses] refused us to see her. They tried everything they could do, but unfortunately, couldn’t save my daughter because she had lost a lot of blood. We are broken. Lebo was young and we had hoped for a lot from her since she finished her matric. We want nothing, but justice for my daughter’s killers,” she said.

Police spokeswoman Constable Doris Nkosi said a double murder and attempted murder case is opened and investigations are underway.

“One suspect has been arrested and is set to appear at Sebokeng Magistrate court on Monday,” she said.

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