‘Humbled soul’ Prof Kgwadi remembered during VUT memorial

Vaal University of Technology paid tribute to fallen Professor Dan Kgwadi on Thursday morning, in a moving memorial service.

VANDERBIJLPARK – Hundreds of mourners gathered at the Vaal University of Technology’s Desmond Tutu Great Hall to pay tribute to Prof. Dan Kgwadi.

The befitting memorial service to celebrate the life of Bra Dan, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal was held on Thursday morning, May 4.

Kgwadi died on Sunday night due to illness.

Director of Marketing and Public Relations Kediemetse Mokotsi, led the service. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

Leading the proceedings as the Master of Ceremony, Kediemetse Mokotsi, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, described the fallen giant as a people person who was devoted to God.

Following in the same breath, friends and colleagues of the late Kgwadi also described him as a humbled soul whose faith in humanity never wavered.

Pastor Peter Maphanga said, “We are quite saddened and his passing came as a shock. Prof was still young and we expected more from him. He got his education when he was still young and broke records”.

“We have lost quite a talent. In his packed schedule, he had time for church and loved God with his all. We have lost, but I know there is a powerful answer coming from God.”

Prof. Raymond Mabuza sharing a moving tribute for fellow friend and colleague. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

Giving tribute to a fellow friend, Prof. Raymond Mabuza said grief knows no boundary.

“Whether rich or poor, this is all our route. All we can do is ask the holy spirit to give us strength. To friends and family be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, and do not be discouraged,” he said.

Sharing stories about Kgwadi, Mabuza said he [Kgwadi] would register for studies and was never bothered by travel in the evenings to attend his classes.

“Prof Kgwadi loved education, he was always driving his old Toyota Corolla to attend his studies late in the afternoon, for his evening sessions. Prof Kgwadi was a man of honesty, a man of his word. If he promised to do something, he will deliver, even beyond. Prof Kgwadi will always be remembered as a leader who valued humanity,” he said.

Family and friends of Prof. Dan Kgwadi gathered in their numbers at Desmond Tutu Great Hall to pay homage to the fallen academic. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

President of the SCR at the institution, Maanda Masendi said “Prof. in his turn of office, is the first to have a braai with cleaners before his management. I asked him once, why did he do that, and he said ‘Cleaners are the ones who make us comfortable in this place’. This was a lesson for me,” he said.

The Great Hall was packed with to the door as many came to celebrate a life well lived.

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