
Oom Van Blommestein retires after 40 years in prison

Oom Van Blommestein speaks about his experiences as a prison warden at Groenpunt Correctional Facility where he worked for four decades.

DENEYSVILLE – For forty long years, Oom Pieter Van Blommestein has been working as a prison warden at Groenpunt prison.

And now, he will be walking in the prison corridors for the last days as he anticipates his retirement in soon.

On Thursday, March 30, Van Blommestein was given a long service award during a ceremony held at the prison facility.

Flanked by his supportive wife Maritjie Van Blommestein, the love birds sat side by side during the event as they patiently waited for Van Bloomstein’s name to be called.

The 59-year-old said he has dedicated his life to serve the department because he loved his job with all his heart.

Despite several dangerous encounters faced by the Madala, he claims he will still miss the walls and corridors of the prison.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Pieter said working behind prison walls is very dangerous, however, God kept him safe all the time.

“I feel very blessed and proud to arrive at this age while still working as a warden, and I am sure I will miss this place. The strength of God has kept me pushing, if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here and my family,” he said.

Van Blommestein shared his experiences working at the prison and touched on a number of incidents that happened inside, while he was on duty.

Some of the incidents Oom spoke of included the burning of a prison facility by inmates that left nine prison officials and 50 offenders sustaining injuries, six cells extensively damaged, and three administration offices being destroyed by fire.

“I was held hostage once when inmates demanded guns but I managed to come out alive. When there was a hand grenade smuggled into the building and set part of the building on fire I was still here. There are a lot of incidents that happened while I was here. It’s not an easy task or duty to work as a warden. You face a lot of dangerous situations, although it doesn’t happen all the time. Some of the people I worked with, retired before their time because of such challenges,” he said.

Maritjie said she is looking forward to a life with her husband outside his work.

“I’m very proud of my husband, having endured all these years to serve the government through correctional services. And I am glad that Lord kept him safe until we had to witness him retire. I am looking forward to enjoying life with him outside his work,” she said.

The 57-year-old said she will remember all the times she ironed Pieter’s uniform and prepared him lunch for work.

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