New Horizon Movement (NHM) and Build One South Africa (BOSA) lay wreaths at Sharpeville Memorial site

"It is unfortunate that the descendants of those who sacrificed their lives are still victims even today."

SHARPEVILLE.- The leadership of the New Horizon Movement under Benjamin Motsukunyane, with Ernest  Nkopane as the Secretary, and the affiliate leadership of Build One South Africa (BOSA), led by Mmusi Maimane laid wreaths at the Sharpeville Memorial Site on Human Rights Day.

The two movements had a joint activity in commemorating this day by laying wreaths in memory of those who lost their lives on the 21st March Sharpevile Massacre.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Nkopane said that this day remains a watershed moment in South African History as today we struggle to deal with a variety of challenges that put into question the importance of human rights in our society.

“Our goal is to hold the government to account, with more importance on service delivery. The community of the Vaal Triangle has led the activism against the violation of human rights. Together with other parties under Bosa, we have taken Eskom and the Minister of Public Enterprise, Mr. Pravin Gordhan, to court to end load shedding because the impact of load shedding continues to infringe on South Africans’ human rights, The case was heard in the human rights week on 22 March 2023 in Gauteng High Court.”

Nkopane ended by saying that by working with activists in the Sedibeng Region in all 73 wards, they say come the 2024 National Elections, Build One South Africa (BOSA) will impact the outcome, and history will be made.


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