
General Smuts students make it against all odds

General Smuts High School Principal Morena Mohapi is hopeful that the school will be restored to its former glory.

VEREENIGING. – “General Smuts High School will be restored to its former glory”, these were the words of an excited headmaster, Morena Mohapi when he delivered the news of the school’s improved pass rate for the 2022 academic year.

Mohapi could not contain his excitement as he told Sedibeng Ster that the school managed to achieve a 73,8% pass rate, up from 2021’s pass rate of 67,7% for the National Senior Certificate exams.

Mohapi says, “The 2022 academic year posed many challenges to this school. From dealing with drugs, bullying and the tragic death of one of our students. The circumstances at the school were really not favorable, but despite all of that, teachers and our matric learners worked very hard in order to achieve these results.”

Mohapi states that the 2023 academic year belongs to General Smuts adding that this will be evident by the good results the school will garner.

“Against all odds, General Smuts made it. I would like to thank all  the teachers for their commitment and for working hard to achieve these results. I would also like to thank the learners for dedicating themselves to their studies.

According to Mohapi, a total of 158 students managed to pass, with 57 of the students obtaining a Bachelor pass. Mohapi also recognized students who managed to garner four and five distinctions respectively.

When Sedibeng Ster Visited the school on Tuesday morning, a group of parents were hard at various stations at the school checking that learners were on time and wore the appropriate school uniform.

Mohapi said that he was grateful that parents and the community at large had taken a stand to help restore the school to what it used to be.

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