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Sewerage all over the yard in Bophelong

"I don’t know what I have to do about this because there is no way I can live under these conditions."

BOPHELONG.- “There is smell all over in the house!

These were words of frustration were said by Dimakatso Motatsi who claims that efforts to report the sewerage that is spilling in her yard in Bophelong to the relevant authorities has been unsuccessful, on a number of times. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Motatsi said that she has contacted Metsi-a-Lekoa about the problem, but with no help. She said that they gave her a reference number but nothing has been done since she reported and that it has been a month now. To make it worse, Motatsi told Sedibeng Ster that even her children can’t play  outside because there is sewerage all over the yard.

“I don’t know what to do now because even yesterday (Monday) I contacted them and I was told that Eskom took their cars.  There is smell all over the house because of this leaking pipe in the yard and my children can’t even play outside. If they want to play, they must go out to street because the yard is full of sewerage. I am contacting Sedibeng Ster newspaper because I did everything to ask for help but with no success,” she said.

Sedibeng Ster will make a follow with Metsi-a-Lekoa to hear their side of their story.

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