
Hands off our station commander!

Angry residents of Boipatong stormed their local copshop in the early hours of Wednesday morning, in a protest to boycott the appointment of a new station commander in their precinct.

Boipatong – Dozens carried placards, singing and chanting on the doorstep of the charge office, demanding the Sedibeng Cluster Commander General Zodwa Molefe to keep the acting acting station commander.

On Tuesday, Sedibeng Cluster appointed new police bosses in different police stations in the region.

Lieutenant Puleng Mokoena was officialy chosen as the new station commander, but furious community members said they didn’t want her.

Instead of a warm welcome on her first day, Mokoena was met by placards written ‘hands off our station commander’, away with nepotism in Boipatong, hands off Molotsi, amongst many others.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, an enraged resident Phaladi Taapi from ward 8 said they are picketing to keep Molotsi at Boipatong.

“Since Molotsi started working here, there is a change when it comes to fighting crime. We have plans in place with the man to  fight crime,” he said.

“We don’t want Molotsi to be moved from this police station and we plead with the management of SAPS to give us an opportunity to at least complete our plans with Molotsi,” he added.

Addressing the protesting community under the watchful eye of Public Order Police Molotsi said there is nothing he can do to stay, his merely following processes.

“I am the outgoing station commander of Boipatong and there are processes that need to be followed. You didn’t know I was coming here when I arrived, I introduced myself to you and ran these streets so we have a common goal. The time you gave me to showcase what I am capable off is much appreciated,” he said.

“You are compromising me. I don’t want it to seem as if I am influencing you to march here. I know the work I do for you is the reason you are here,” he said.

“I would personally like to be at Boipatong and I want to make changes but please use the five days you are given. Go home,” he said.

Police spokesman Sergeant Shaan Motsapi said they are aware of the protest.

“Like any other company, we always have position rotations. We move people around within the district so they exercise good practice,” he said.

“There is nothing wrong with reshuffling and our communities can rest assured that the planned commitments they have with the acting station commander can be continued by the new one as they are written,” he added.

Motsapi said Molotsi was acting and when a new station commander is promoted, they will have to do their duties.

“The community needs to understand the processes of SAPS. We are not here to idolize people; they need to idolize services rendered to them. The people must allow the processes to take place and give the incoming station commander the opportunity to showcase her capabilities,” he said.

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