The thing about Kasi Football…

Some are good for the development of our football while others don’t add any value in the development of our football, or football in general.

SEDIBENG.- It is that time of the year when Kasi Football will be the order of the festive season with tournaments all over the country.

In recent times, the so-called ‘Kasi Football’ is given  free air time by DStv to promote the so-called Kasi Football. But the question is, is this so-called Kasi Football that is given free airtime promoting football, or are these youngsters learning bad habits from watching these games. There is a mix of feelings and opinions about this Kasi Football especially by the PSL coaches with Kaizer Chiefs Coach, Arthur Zwane at one stage making his views known about this Kasi Football. He said that style such as ‘the knee on the ball’ which is popular in Kasi Football is not good football.

TOUCHLINE agrees with him 100% because these up and coming youngsters copy this and think it is part of football to put their knees on the ball. The truth is that, this is what soccer fans enjoy seeing a player doing, playing these funny tricks, including the knee on the ball and climbing on top of the ball. They applauded this until it costs the team a game and you will hear a different opinion from the same people who glorify it. When you try to make sense or try to educate these youngsters, they think you’re anti-football or you don’t appreciate their talent. The sad reality is that, playing to the gallery never wins games for the club, results do. For example, this country is blessed with exciting players who will take players to the ‘cleaners’ without  the knee on the ball.

For example, Nelson “Teenage” Dladla, Joel “Ace” Mnini Moroka Swallows, Mlungisi “Professor” Ngubane, Jomo Sono, Donald “Ace” Khuse, Doctor “16v” Khumalo and Zacharia “Compuer” Lamola were the most skillful players during their era but you would never see them putting their knees on the ball or make fun of their markers. They understood the meaning of progressive football that bears positive results for their teams unlike today when fans applaud players for time wasting. This was during the era when goals were scored compare to today’s era.

This is because of Kasi Football where dribbling on your own half is encouraged with no purpose or end results. As long as DStv gives these so Kasi Football  free airtime without education, we must just forget about competing against the best in the world. Lionel Messi is the most talented player to have been witnessed in our lifetime but you will never see him putting his knees on the ball or doing monkey’s tricks while standing on the ball, that is why he is the best player in the world.

TOUCHLINE’s plea to DStv is that, please give that free airtime to televise junior soccer leagues like your Gauteng Development League (DGL). I always watch La Liga Promise U/10 Tournament that is televised by the very same DStv but they don’t do the same with our own development.

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