
Wage dispute demonstrations rock Sebokeng hospital

Sebokeng hospital workers down tools amid the one-day national health strike over a 10% increment.

SEDIBENG – Protesting staffers blocked the hospital entrance on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 disrupting several services to the public.

According to the National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) they are demanding a 10% increase and were shocked to receive 3%.

Some of the sister unions such as the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA), Public Servants Association of South Africa (PSA), OSPESA and Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) joined arms in demonstrating their frustrations.

During the peaceful demonstration, some patients were turned away at the precinct gates.

Dozens of Sebokeng hospital staffers who boycotted work for a one day national wage increment strike. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Sedibeng Regional Chairperson Nehawu, Vuyo Ka-Mzazi said “we are protesting against austerity measures our government is giving us and the nonsensical 3% provision while inflation is so high. Many of our colleagues have died during Covid and those posts haven’t been filled until now,” he said.

Mzazi said “you cannot give us 3% increase when we are faced with such times. The cost of living is too high and does not respond to issues of workers”.

“We demonstrate to show our anger on the administration lead by Cyril Ramaphosa,” he added.

Mzazi said the employers want nothing but their demand to be reached by the employer.

a patient was turned away during the demonstration. Photo: Sifiso Jimta.

“If our issues are not met, we will have a full-blown strike and take the government to the ground. All services will be halted. We are ready to suffer the unpaid strike until the employer respond to our demand,” he said.

Critical services were working unlike other services like Human Resource and other departments were disrupted.

High visibility of police was deployed at the hospital to monitor the situation.

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