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SDM pays HIV/Aids Ward-Based educators

The Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM) together with the Gauteng Department of Health (GDH) have made an undertaking to resolve the issue of unpaid stipends to HIV/Aids Ward-Based educators.

VEREENIGING.-  Earlier this year the educators camped outside the SDM offices demanding unpaid stipends, later the GDH and Treasury confirmed the HIV/AIDS grant and to transfer to the SDM.

On Monday the SDM said that the educators were paid a one-month stipend and the outstanding balance will be paid upon the HIV/AIDS grant receipt. To date, a total of 184 educators have signed their 12 months contracts and have been paid a one month, the municipality is awaiting the outstanding amount. The SDM, in collaboration with GDH, has vowed to implement the Ward-Based door to door AIDS education program across the municipality for the financial year 2022/23 supported by the HIV/AIDS grant, as it has done in the budget year of 2021/22.

The SDM said that the GDH and Treasury have undertaken quality assurance on attendance registers, reports, finances and other related requirements before the release of the 2022/2023 HIV/AIDS grant in order for it to pay the educators stipends.

“The Sedibeng District Municipality will continue to work effectively and efficiently with Gauteng Department of Health to provide the Ward Based door to door AIDS education program  across Sedibeng District for the year 2022/23 and ensure a positive and responsive relationship with the HIV/AIDS Ward Based Educators,” the municipality said, and it encouraged every resident to make use of the services provided by the Ward Based door to door AIDS education and the work of the Ward-Based educators.

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