
NGOs march against abuse!

They sang and chanted with placards on the streets of Sebokeng, marching against Gender Based Abuse.

SEBOKENG – As if this was not enough, they held a choral festival to fundraise for a looming December food donation drive for struggling families.

Paying a small entrance fee at the door, this was their way of showing care and love for poor families in the Vaal.

Scores of Non-Government Organizations painted the streets of Zone 14 blue and their harmonic voices could be heard miles away as they sang “Senzeni na” and “enough with abuse” on Friday, 28 October, 2022.

Scores of NGO’s marched against Gender Based Violence and held a choral festival to raise funds towards food donation drive. Photo: Sifiso Jimta

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, founder of Tsatsi Tseke Foundation, Tsatsi Tseke detailed the importance of the march.

“We normally donate food parcels to 200 destitute families at the end of the year. Today, we are together with Vaal NGOs to raise funds through choral music. We gave those involved a theme on Gender Based violence to create a song as a way of sending out an awareness massage to the community,” he said.

Tseke said the paid for musical festival is to make sure that 200 families are given proper food parcels.

Tseke said the three-kilometer march was to send a stern message that enough is enough with Gender Based Violence.

“Normally when its festive, we are faced with many cases of abuse, so we are saying it’s enough and we don’t want to face such this year.”

Nokuthula Mpofu, care giver at Emthonjeni Awareness Centre said “we saw it befitting to join the march as a way to contribute our time and in making sure that we fully organize donations to be able to buy impoverished homes groceries at the end of the year”.

Different organizations that joined the march included Etelang Pele, Healing Hands, Red Cross, Dirang Ka Kagiso among many others.

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