Zichally is the top science teacher in Gauteng

31-year-old Mapula Annah Zichally hasgarnered the NTA award for Excellence in Teaching National Sciences, making her the top science teacher in Gauteng.

SHARPEVILLE. – Lehlasedi Primary School’s teacher, Mapula Annah Zichally (31) continues to break barriers, proving that your background does not determine your future.

This is after she garnered an award for excellence in Teaching Natural Sciences at the recent National Teacher’s Awards (NTA) at Provincial level, making her the best science teacher in the Gauteng Province.

Zichally went on to represent the Gauteng Province at the NTA’s national level with teachers from eight other provinces and there she was named the second best science teacher in South Africa.

Following this achievement, Zichally was surprised with the mother of all homecoming celebrations by delegates from Sedibeng District Education Department together with colleagues, the principal and learners at her school.

The day was made up of ululations, poetry and song as everyone sang Zichally’s praises for having flown the Sedibeng District flag high both provincially and nationally.

Speaking during the event, Principal Veronica Lebaea praised Zichally for using her god given talents to put the school on the map.

“Zichally is a gifted and talented teacher. Even if I was to do the things she does, I would never execute them the way she does. This is what makes her so special because no other person can do things the way she does.We are very proud of you,” she said

Zichally says, “I did what I always encourage my kids to do and that is my best. The journey leading up to the awards is challenging and sometimes leaves you with anxiety and depression.

“At one point I asked myself if everyone would still be proud of me if I didn’t bring the award home. You need to be a teacher who is dedicated and know what she wants. There were times I broke down because it was all too much.”

Zichally says she is grateful to everyone who gave her support and told her she could do it.

“I’m very proud of myself for having achieved this. Now that I am recognised nationally, I aim to also enter international awards which give teachers recognition for the work they do.”

Zichally wants people to know that hard work and dedication pays off.

“You can achieve whatever you want despite where you come from. Working towards your dreams and goals is a task that you have to take upon yourself without making any excuses,” Zichally concludes.


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