Police warn children against accepting gifts from strangers

The police in Boipatong recently conducted a visit to Mamello Day Care Centre to promote child safety. 

BOIPATONG. – The visit was carried out by the Boipatong SAPS sector manager together with the crime prevention unit.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Thembeka Maxambela reports that while the visit showcased the love and care police have towards children, it also served as an educational session.

“The visit aimed to teach children about kidnapping and child abuse. They were also told not to accept gifts from strangers and never speak to them.”

Maxambela states that children were also told about the importance of respecting elders and refraining from stealing.

“The kids now know how to report crime and what numbers to use incase of an emergency.”

After the session, members donated 14 packs of disposable nappies to assist the center.

Maxambela states that
Members donated 14 packets of disposable nappies to the centre.

“A follow up visit will be made and kids will soon be invited to take a tour at the Boipatong police station.”



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