Murdered man abandons mom in misery

He left his home around 2 o’clock on a scotching Monday afternoon to catch a breath of fresh air.

IRONSIDE – As the sun set, his family looked for him without any luck, even went to report him missing at a local police station.

In less than 24 hours as the family wondered about Kgotso Mokoena’s whereabouts, he was found killed, dumped and his lifeless body floating in a lake 9 kilometers from his family home.

ALSO READ I Man found murdered and dumped in a lake

His remains had a head wound with visibly oozing blood despite being in the water.

Kgotso’s disturbing murder has left his mother and family hanging in an unbearable pain as they wonder what, why and who would have killed him.

The Mokoena’s gathered in their dining room at their residence in Ironside to voice the mournful story of how Tshepo left his home because lights went out.

Annah Mokoena (64), mother to the deceased said her last born baby was always sitting indoors, channel hoping till it was time for bed.

“We didn’t have electricity since Sunday. On Monday, he left the house to get some air. I saw him leaving the yard and thought he would be back. When the sunset, we [the family] tried to look for him and failing to do so, we went to the De Deur copshop to report him missing,” she said.

The next day, Annah said she sat by the window hoping her son will walk in, instead, one of her elder daughters received a text message alerting the family about a man found dead in Lakeside.

Mapaseka (43) and Matieho Malejoane (39), elder sisters to Kgotso rushed to the scene and were met by a shock of their lives.

“We received a text from someone who told us there was a body found on a lake since we are having a missing person. I confirmed Kgotso’s clothes with mama [Annah] and went to the scene with my sister. When we arrived, we found [kgotso] him dead, with the same described T-shirt and underwear. His jean and shoes were missing,” said Matieho.

Gushing over her pain, Annah said she was heartbroken and wanted justice for the murder of her son.

“I’m heartbroken because of how my son died. Kgotso was a good boy, loved by everyone in the community. He didn’t smoke nor drink alcohol. He was like my best friend. I was always sitting with him indoors and we would watch TV all day. Because we don’t have electricity, that’s why he went out. If he never left the house as usual, he would still be alive,” she said.


“I don’t know who or why my son was killed. Whoever killed him should have taken his clothes and let him live. My son didn’t deserve to die this way,” said the weeping mother.

Police spokeswoman Constable Busisiwe Sango said murder investigations are still underway and there’s still no arrested suspects.

“Police are appealing to anyone who might have information regarding this matter to contact the police on 08600 10111 or visit the Mysaps app the information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality,” she said.

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