Curro Vanderbijlpark off to nationals

Curro Vanderbijlpark Primary School's 1st Team Hockey boys won the Best of Best Championships recently.

VANDERBIJLPARK.- They have qualified for the Champ of Champs Nationals this holiday. They will represent South Gauteng at the event in Potchefstroom, from 30 September to 01 October 2022. The team was defeatless during the Best of Best Championships. Othniel Mbayagang was voted Goalkeeper of the tournament and Stanley Banda was voted Top Goal Scorer for the boy’s division at the Best of Best tournament.

” We are very excited and proud of each player and the coaches putting so much time and effort into preparing for each match. The team was also crowned D8 winners on Wednesday 14, September 2022. After 2 days of thrilling hockey at the Champs of Champs hockey tournament in Potchefstroom, our boys are officially ranked as the 8th best u/13 team in South Africa. A special word of gratitude to our coaches and boys for their hard work and dedication. You did us proud!”, said Sharon Gordon (Executive Head).


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