Self-entitlement mentality kills our facilities!

TOUCHLINE is of the opinion that we should come with a slogan to revive our sporting facilities in our communities.

SEDIBENG.-  Somebody must take an initiative to revive the legendary sporting facilities in our community.

The churches that put their tents up in our community sporting facilities, especially on soccer grounds must be addressed. TOUCHLINE does not have a problem with churches but it becomes a problem when they invade our grounds. TOUCHLINE grew up in a community that respected sports, especially football, but the same can’t be said today. There is no more respect for community sporting facilities. I always drive around to check those legendary soccer grounds in our community. It is heart breaking to see how they have been turned into dumping sites.

Those are the same soccer grounds that developed us to be who we are today because we used to spend our youth there. TOUCHLINE feels for the current generation because tarvens and tuck shops occupy some of those legendary soccer grounds. There is a serious need to revive our sporting facilities in our township to avoid this thing of taking our sports out of the community. The biggest problem with community’s facilities is entitlement. Some of use overused some of these facilities because we feel we are entitled to play there regardless of the situation.

TOUCHLINE challenges the community sports clubs to take responsibility of the township sporting facilities for the sake of our children. TOUCHLINE does not have to mention those facilities that have been turned to the opposite of what they used to be. We all know them because we happen to stay in that community. TOUCHLINE must say this, if you look at people who misuse our facilities, they are not necessarily coming from this region. Some of them came here to study or wok and they are all over our facilities because they don’t care since they don’t belong to this region. TOUCHLINE did mention this many times that people who come from outside are the one that misuses our sporting facilities. I’m not suggesting anything, but TOUCHLINE has seen this happening with our facilities.

Like I said, there is a need to come up with a slogan to revive and restore our sporting facilities in our community. My plea to the students and workers who come from other regions and provinces, please respect our facilities. TOUCHLINE does not think that Sedibeng people do the same when they are at other areas.

We need a collective effort to restore our facilities in our community and stop this entitlement mentality.


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