
From sweet seller to butcher owner

From selling sweets in high school to starting his own butchery bulk supply company, Lerato Mokoena, a Business Administration degree holder, is establishing himself as a rising star.

VANDERBIJLPARK. – In collaboration with a business partner, the father of three now operates Monitor Meats in Vanderbijlpark, supplying bulk meat to local businesses.

As he explained to Sedibeng Ster, Mokoena started selling sweets, progressed to vetkoek and now owns a well-known butchery in the city center.

“The idea of business has always been within. I started selling from my high school days at General Smuts, selling sweets amongst other things.

“When I went to varsity, I had a vetkoek stall in the school,” he said.

After working for a number of large companies with his advanced qualifications, Mokoena quit due to his love of running his own business.

“I worked for one of the biggest companies in the cooperative industry and I ended up leaving in 2009 to pursue my own business at Skotlolong and it failed. I then went back to cooperate while I was still studying for another degree.”

“I worked for another and also dropped it in 2020 and have now fully invested my energy in starting another business in Sharpeville where I was selling food.

“At the same time, I ventured into another business in tourism, but because of Covid-19, we unfortunately lost the business,” he said.

He realized that small businesses were struggling to obtain meat, so he opened a bulk butchery to provide the best prices to the men on the street.

“Our focus is on ensuring that we supply local businessmen, schools and many others in bulk. Considering other people from my township, I also have an express store that people in the townships have a reach of the goods we sell,” he added.


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