GOOD welcomes appointment of Justice Maya as Deputy Chief Justice

The GOOD party has welcomed the appointment of Justice Mandisa Maya as the Deputy Chief Justice of South Africa. 

GAUTENG.- Justice Maya currently serves as the President of the Supreme Court of Appeal, and will take over this important role from 1 September 2022.

She was the first woman to hold the positions of Deputy President and President of the Supreme Court of Appeal. This appoint in the Constitutional Court is an important step towards further gender transformation in the judiciary. The party said that South Africa’s apex court is the corner stone of our democracy and has played a key role in guiding leaders and law makers, as well as holding those in power accountable when they failed to uphold their constitutional duties. 

“As GOOD, we believe Justice Maya will continue to provide the crucial leadership South Africa needs through her new role, especially in the most difficult of times when the country turns to the Constitutional Court for hope.” 


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