
Cable thieves take advantage of service delivery protest

What makes the situation worse is that Eskom is unable to protect that infrastructure nor come on time to fix it due to their strict policy on environments where their Technicians feel unsafe because of PROTESTS.

Richard Chaka writes:

“They stole cables from a mini substation in Mfolozi Street, Zone 12 Sebokeng. Witnesses say they saw people in the wee hours of the morning at the substation.”

As you blockade Moshoeshoe Street, as you embark on the violent protests, cable thieves take advantage and steal Eskom cables in your area.
What makes the situation worse is that Eskom is unable to protect that infrastructure nor come on time to fix it due to their strict policy on environments where their Technicians feel unsafe because of PROTESTS.
I plead with you and the leaders of the community to change the way we demand things. Let us march to Eskom if we have to… but please let us stop burning tyres on our roads and blockading them and giving opportunity to thieves and the reasons for Eskom not to attend to our problems.
Ke a kopa hle MaVaal a matle.

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