Confusion as VUT FC replaces Real Hearts in Regional Play-offs

VUT FC has replaced Real Hearts FC to represent Sedibeng at the Provincial Promotion Play-offs that started over the weekend at Kagiso Sports Complex in Mogale City.

SEDIBENG.-  Real Hearts were supposed to represent Sedibeng in this provincial Play-offs after they were declared the Safa Sedibeng SAB League overall winners, this was after they beat VUT FC in the streams Play-offs to qualify to represent Sedibeng at this Safa Provincial Promotion Play-offs.

Sedibeng Ster Sports is aware that Real Hearts FC failed to participate in the Provincial Play-offs, the issue having something to do with registration of players.   Sedibeng Ster is in possession of a letter that Safa Sedibeng wrote to SAFA Gauteng explaining how/why Real Hearts FC didn’t register their players.

The letter states:

“The above region herewith request your office for assistance on players Registration. Real Hearts FC could not register, so they used ID Cards to play and they are the stream winners. The registration window closed when cable was stolen, and we paid R10 507 to Inqaku for MySAFA Admin fee. Please assist us to register our team, Your assistance will be highly appreciated. On request we will provide supporting documents to prove the players were playing during this season, and they were eligible to register. Hoping our request reaches your highest considerations.”

When asked for comment regarding this matter Safa Sedibeng Regional Executive Officer, Beauty Molise said she can’t comment on the matter because it is under investigation. However, Molise confirmed to Sedibeng Ster Sport that the problem started after their offices moved to Qedilizwe facilities in Evaton North when the cable was stolen.

Sedibeng Ster Sport asked Molise if this problem affected only Real Hearts FC or there were other teams that experienced the same situation apart from the Real Hearts, she said, “This forms part of investigation. I can only comment after the investigation has been completed. But I can confirm that the cable was stolen in the area and it affected the daily operations of the administration.”

Meanwhile, VUT FC started their Provincial Play-offs with a win and a lose this coming weekend they will be playing their third game of the Play-offs.


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