“Why is Soweto the only place recognised on June 16?”: Khubeka

One of the former learners of the now defunct Wilberforce College in Evaton, Sello Khubeka, has said that he finds it strange that every 16 June all eyes are only on the students of Soweto.

EVATON.- Khubeka said that the Wilberforce matriculants of 1965 were among the first group to run amok before they were ‘sjambokked’ by the Apartheid police.

This was after the students refused that all their subjects be conducted in Afrikaans as medium of instruction. Khubeka’s concern is that the whole country only recognises Soweto students as the once that were at the forefront. He said that he does not have issues with the commemoration of Soweto students but that there is a need for proper investigations through consultation with other regions so that they all get recognition.

” The fact that no blood was shed at Evaton Wilberforce College does not mean we should be forgotten. Whoever took part in the 1976 class boycotts is part of a history. Those who were injured in Evaton are also part of history,” said Khubeka.


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