Nutrition education for Ironside school

Best is Good Enough School in Ironside recently hosted visitors from Texas, USA. The objective of the visit was to educate teachers and learners at the school about nutrition and its importance with regards to learning.

DE DEUR.- Dietician and Professor at Texas Tech University, Allison Childress conducted research that focuses on food addiction, hunger, protein quality and sports nutrition.

Childress said: “This is part of a study abroad programme. I have brought students from the university studying nutrition. The aim of the visit is to teach the children at the school about nutrition.”

Childress further said that she has been working with the school to create a nutrition programme and has also taught parents about the benefits of nutrition. She commended the principal of the school for not only wanting to educate the kids but for also ensuring that they grow up to be healthy as well.

The principal of the school, Emily Mochela, said: “The school ranges from Grade R to Grade 4. We established a good relationship with Professor Childress, and she realised that there was a need for children from vulnerable families who were not getting good nutrition. That is why she has brought a variety of nutritional programmes to the school.”


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