Bidders warned about scam involving fake officials

The Midvaal Local Municipality has issued a warning about fraudsters who are impersonating municipal officials in are an attempt to solicit funds.

The municipality says in a statement: “It has come to the attention of Midvaal Local Municipality that there are certain unscrupulous companies and individuals who are attempting to defraud unsuspecting businesses under the guise of the municipality and its officials.

“The scam involves fraudsters impersonating Municipal officials in an attempt to solicit funds for business.

“Midvaal Local Municipality affords businesses the opportunity to supply goods/services/works through a transparent bidding process.

“The tender process is managed by SCM under the guidance of a Supply Chain Policy.

“SCM is highly regulated to minimize the risk of fraud and to meet the objectives of being fair, transparent, equitable competitive and cost effective.”

Midvaal says any incident of corruption, fraud, theft and misuse of municipal resources at Midvaal Local Municipality can be reported to the fraud hotline on 0860-268-624.

In compliance to the Protected Disclosures Act. Any person who reports suspected fraud and/or corruption may remain anonymous should he/she so desire.

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