
Boipatong SAPS carries out cleaning campaign

Boipatong SAPS recently rolled up their sleeves during a clean up campaign in and around the police station.

BOIPATONG. – The initiative was carried out together with the Community Policing Forum (CPF), Youth Desk, Local NGO Itireleng, Department of Sports, Arts and Culture, Bambanani Support Group as well as Indibano Victim Centre.

The objective of the campaign was to address the overall state of the station, general cleanliness and the maintenance of the station.. The Station Commander Lieutenant Colonel Molotsi said that working in a clean environment can boost the morale of the members.

He further highlighted the importance of working together. Police spokesperson Sergeant Themebeka Maxambela says, “Local businesses and Itireleng NGO focused on the cutting of tall grass and trees around the Boipatong police station.

“The rest of the team divided themselves to cover part of the the holding cells, offices, yard including the mobile local clinic where there was tall grass as well as giving the station Client Service Centre (CSC) a facelift.”

Molotsi and the Interim committee chairperson of the CPF Maniki Ntsepe thanked all those who took part in the initiative.

Any member of the community who is willing to bring change in the fight of cleanliness and crime is invited to form part of the next campaign.

Molotsi said that the campaign also served to reignite the spirit of working together from police and the com

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