Health security guards demand to be insourced by government

“This is ridiculous as we see no point in employing private companies.”

SEBOKENG.- The past four days saw the employees of private security companies protesting as they barricading the Levai Mbatha Clinic in and around the Sebokeng Hospital demanding their grievances be addressed.

Employees said they do not want to be supervised by private security owners, as they feel they are being treated unjustly. “We are tired of working tirelessly but our salaries speak less.

We would like to be insourced by the Department of Health. We cannot cope any longer with the disrespectful treatment received from the owners of these companies. To add salt to the wound, the same owners are not from our region or province. 

“The owners own mansions but we are sent home with a non-living wage,” said one of the frustrated security guards. An employee who wanted to be known only as Martha said that their leaders will meet with the MMC for Health at the Sedibeng District office this week.

Neverthless, they will continue to make the lives of the officials at Sebokeng hospital ‘unhappy’. The workers blamed the government for wasting money by employing private securities. “The question is between the owners and workers who is doing the most work? The owners pocket more cake for nothing. In some other instances we stand at the gates armless facing well armed thugs. “This is ridiculous as we see no point in employing private companies.”

At the time Sedibeng Ster arrived at Levai Mbatha Clinic, some of the frustrated workers were wielding sjamboks and said, “It’s better to be arrested for bettering yourself instead of dying of hunger.” At the time of going to print, this publication was waiting for a response from the Department of Health.

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